Despite many star transfer running backs already announcing their commitments, including Marcus Carroll to Missouri, Chip Trayanum to Kentucky and...
A loaded quarterback transfer class has led the way in an incredibly entertaining 2023 college football season. Now with teams preparing for the final week of...
As sad as it is for all CFB fans, the season is in its final stretch, with teams prepping for the last month of regular season...
Here’s a look at our top-10 running back transfers and how they’ve performed through week nine of the 2023 College Football Season. These rankings are based...
We’ve listed the top ten overall transfers through eight weeks so far, now let’s focus in on the top running back transfers so far this year....
Top transfer receiver talent in this week’s biggest upset, Devontez Walker (UNC) and Malik Washington (Virginia), headline this week’s top receivers according to TPR’s fantasy point...
A wild week seven in college football had plenty of headlines. Oregon’s heartbreaking defeat at the hands of Heisman front runner Michael Penix Jr and Washington,...